Positions Optimal for Employing an Anal Dildo

Positions Optimal for Employing an Anal Dildo

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It is possible to perform an anal dildo in virtually ANY position; there are no "correct" or "incorrect" ways to attempt it. Nevertheless, specific positions distinguish themselves from the rest and elevate your enjoyment considerably.

The Ideal Solo Anal Play Positions
When using a dildo for gratification, one can experiment with a variety of stimulating and comfortable positions.

1. Laterally
After a lengthy, luxurious shower in which you adequately lubricate yourself, try lying on your side on the bed, the floor, or the couch. If necessary, position an additional pillow beneath your upper-knee and rest your head on that one. This will facilitate access to the butt and allow you to insert the dildo without difficulty.

2. Supine Position
Attempting masturbation while lying on your back and facing the ceiling might be an idea if this is your typical position. Consider positioning a bolster beneath your butt to facilitate access to your derriere. For added accessibility, you may also experiment with bringing your knees to your torso.

3. Confronting Down
If you have difficulty masturbating while lying down, you may experiment with this position while wearing any device. Consider inserting the dildo into yourself by placing your hands over your back as you knead or grind into the bed.

4. Contained
Although seated on the floor, in a chair, or in bed, using a dildo for butt play while seated is an exceptionally comfortable position. Employ a compact mirror to provide yourself with a clear reflection of the activity as you commence.

5. Cycling
Lastly, but certainly not least, is an attempt at mounting a dildo. This is particularly effective when the dildo possesses a suction cup, enabling it to be adhered to a smooth surface such as a restroom wall, floor or any other flat, desired location. Riding provides the greatest amount of movement and stimulation of any position, as the angle and depth of penetration can be altered by lowering or raising oneself.

Strategic Alignments for Employing an Anal Dildo in a Partnered Game
If you intend to perform an anal dildo with a companion tonight, allow me to suggest five phenomenal positions that you may wish to employ...and observe astounding outcomes!

Spooning 1.
Couples who are seeking to try out a dildo for butt play for the first time should consider The Spoon, which is among the gentlest and most soothing sex positions.

Methodological Approach
The receiving partner rests their head on a pillow while lying on their favoured side. They advance with their upper limb while their companions cling to them from behind. As the active partner positions their upper leg between the other's, they begin to kiss the other's neck. They reach down to begin fingering their partner's posterior (for my best advice, see here) after applying lubricant to their fingertips, prior to employing their preferred dildo techniques.

The Boss' Chair 2.
Boss' chair is an ideal blowjob position for men who are curious about butt play; it is positively sweltering.

Methodological Approach
He disrobes and assumes a comfortable reclining position on a recliner, placing his feet on the ground. She descends to her thighs while bringing one of his feet up between her legs. As she descends upon him, she alternates between blowing him and fingering his posterior. She is even capable of performing a rim job on him by reaching down. She can continue to suckle his genitalia while penetrating him with the dildo after she has applied sufficient lubricant.

The Lazy Girl 3.
Essentially, the Lazy Girl is the Boss' Chair for women. Not only is it ideal for receiving excellent cunnilingus, but it also provides women who wish to experiment with butt play with simple yet comfortable access!

Methodological Approach:

Instruct your woman to sit with her legs wide open and her feet planted on the seat of a robust chair. Position her feet on your quadriceps so that she is adequately supported while you kneel on the ground. Kiss and nibble your way up to her inner thighs until she begins to wriggle in anticipation, and then perform your cunnilingus manoeuvres (for more information, see my top recommendations here).

Begin fingering your woman's ass with a well-lubricated finger while she is consuming her pussy (see how here), and then elevate her ecstasy to an all-new level with the dildo. While any chair is functional, a swivel chair provides even more exhilarating motions.

4. The position of sixty-nine
Pairs who wish to explore anal dildos should consider the classic Sixty Nine position as one of their top choices.

Method: While lying on your bed, allow your woman to straddle your face just outside your shoulders with her knees. You begin to consume her pussy after she lowers herself onto your mouth (for my finest pussy eating advice, click here). You may begin fingering her posterior with a lubricated finger while she performs a blowjob on you, until she becomes sufficiently relaxed to receive the dildo.

To engage in butt play, merely reverse positions and assume the Inverted Sixty-nine position.

5. Present-Wrapped
Experimenting with dildos in the Gift Wrapped position, which is a facing variation of the Spoon position, is an exceptionally relaxing experience.

Both you and your companion should lie on your sides with each other inwardly facing. Instruct your woman to stretch her legs apart and subsequently "hop" over so that your waist touches her inner thigh. Avoid her by placing the majority of your weight on your forearms and hips. As she envelops your lower back with her thighs, you both embrace. While they are passionately kissing and fondling one another, you may extend your hand and begin to probe her posterior with a suitably lubricated finger. Once she has been sufficiently relaxed, an anal implement that has been lubricated can be used to penetrate her.

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